Monday, January 30, 2012

Rawr's art :3

Hmm... hopefully this one actually works. I'd feel terrible if something was happening and it was just because I was so new. I've already posted here before, but. It disappeared. Dundun- no. Anyways.

Hey! I'm Rawr, or shadefeather413 on deviantART (Yeah I know.. I wish so terribly I could change my username.)

I'm an animal artist and tend to draw wolves. (Yes, I know they're popular. Everyone draws them. But why practice crocodiles if I don't like drawing crocodiles? Anyways. Here. [url][/url]

I do lot's of requests on iScribble, my favorite drawing site. I've used the tools for so long, my drawings are at it's best on there. Unfortunately, the canvas is a 373x700. That's too small, shaped weird, and the resolution is terrible. But I don't care! It's fun, and I know it. I've drawn on that site for 3 years so... hard to get used to SAI.

As I said, I do alot of requests. I'm going through some artist phase where nothing is actually original, so to avoid that I do other people's characters rather than looking like a poser and drawing unoriginal characters.

The one in the middle doesn't belong to me, but it is my character.

This I would like feedback on and constructive criticism so I can improve. Compared to my last human picture, this is amazing. But I still must improve. must must must, cause that picture is sort of... yeah. (Yes, I know the collar bone looks freaky, It was just a quick one. I know they don't jut out like that x3. )


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