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Friday, June 24, 2011
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This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
Belfast riots renew calls for Protestant-Catholic dialogue (The Christian Science Monitor)
Dublin, Ireland ? Rioting engulfed the Short Strand district of Belfast, Northern Ireland, Tuesday night, as pro-British loyalists and Irish republican residents of the area clashed for the second consecutive day.
Local police said that as many as 400 people participated in the violence and that a news photographer was wounded in a shooting in one of Belfast's most tense neighborhoods. In an effort to break up the fights, police fired at least 66 plastic bullets but made only one arrest: a young woman was detained on suspicion of possession of a firearm and assaulting police.
While police and locals blamed the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) for sparking the violence on Monday and being involved in fighting last night, an unnamed dissident republican splinter group may be equally to blame in Tuesday's melee.
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The violence has already led to calls for renewed dialogue between Protestant and Catholic groups, especially as it becomes evident that splinter paramilitary groups are trying to revive discord along political and religious lines.
?In the past there, we had an interface group where Short Strand community leaders would call me or someone else [and vice versa] if there was trouble brewing. I think there was a feeling from Sinn F?in that it was a policing responsibility ? and I can see their point ? but now we, on both sides of the community, want to see those structures reestablished. Similar initiatives are going on to resolve issues in other parts of Belfast," says Sammy Douglas, a local lawmaker with the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) who has worked as a community activist in east Belfast.
Marching season nearsMany local leaders say the spike in sectarian violence ? coupled with the increasingly murky picture of which groups are involved ? is especially troubling as Northern Ireland's always-tense "marching season" approaches.
???The main thing now is to ensure the violence stops before it gets inflamed,??
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During the marching season, which reaches its high point on July 12 but continues until the end of August, the Protestant Orange Institution and associated groups ? including bands named after loyalist paramilitary organizations ? parade throughout Northern Ireland.
The parades, which republicans view as provocative displays of sectarianism but unionists see as expressions of British identity, have often ended in violence.
The paramilitary playersSo far, there is no indication that the mainstream Provisional IRA (PIRA) has engaged in the fighting. The Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD) confirmed the PIRA had disarmed by September 2005. And in 2009, the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC), a body formed by the British and Irish governments, said the IRA???s leadership group known as the ???army council??
Dissident groups formed by disaffected members of the PIRA and who remain committed to war include the Continuity IRA, founded in 1987 and the Real IRA, formed in 1997. A third group was formed from a split within the Real IRA in 2009, calling itself ?glaigh na h?ireann (the Gaelic name traditionally used by the various IRAs).
In the past two years, dissident republicans have killed two policemen and two British soldiers, the most recent killing being the car bombing of police officer Ronan Kerr in April 2011. Both groups have staged dozens of other actions including so-called "punishment shooting" vigilante actions against criminals and several failed bomb and gun attacks.
On the loyalist side of the conflict, matters are more confused. The UVF and the Ulster Defence Association were supposedly disarmed and disbanded.
But the IMC?s most recent report, issued in March, said the UVF was still active: ?Notwithstanding the progress made in the past three years, the organization?s role in the murder of [member] Bobby Moffett calls into question the claim in the May 2007 statement that the UVF would become a civilian organization. We do not doubt the wish of the leadership to pursue the 2007 strategy though there are some within the organization who are evidently not ready to accept the restraints on their behavior which this means.?
Now, the UVF?s role in leading the recent riots suggests a power struggle within the paramilitary group.
A Protestant and unionist resident of east Belfast, who did not wish to be identified, said whatever progress was being made between republicans and unionists in high office needed to be replicated on the ground. ?Neither the dissidents nor the UVF speak for the people. People were led into a false sense of security, thinking the weapons had gone away."
RELATED: Think you know Europe? Take our geography quiz.
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Americans join flotilla to break Gaza blockade (AP)
NEW YORK ? A group of Americans hopes to break Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip in the coming days when it joins a flotilla of ships sailing with aid to the Palestinian territory.
Nearly half of the 36 Americans who'll sail on the U.S. flagged boat "The Audacity of Hope" attended a Monday news conference announcing they're flying later in the day to Athens to prepare for the journey.
Activists describe Israeli restrictions on Gaza's 1.5 million residents as a human rights violation. But Israel says its blockade stops weapons from reaching Iran-backed Hamas militants.
Nine activists died in a botched Israeli commando operation on a Turkish ship during a similar flotilla last year. Each side accused the other of starting the violence.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
U.S. indicts firms for helping Iran evade sanctions (Reuters)
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Nivea Denies Being Arrested for DUI Following Toya Carter's Wedding (Blog)
Singer Nivea was reportedly arrested after crashing her BMW X6 into a tree following Toya Carter and Memphitz's wedding Saturday night.
According to Nivea, ex-wife of The-Dream and ex-fiance of Lil Wayne, got rowdy with the police when they arrived to the scene, yelling "Bitch, I could buy your job hoe!"
She was booked and taken into the Fulton County correctional facility for driving under the influence. She was driving with a child in the car at the time of the crash, but neither were hurt in the accident.
Since being released from jail Nivea took to her Twitter to clear up the story, confirming that she crashed, but says she was not drinking and driving. She also said she never spoke to the police in an out of the way manner.
Check out Nivea's tweets:
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Hit-and-run death driver sought
Det Ch Insp Paul Taylor urged the driver to come forward
Detectives investigating the death of a six-year-old boy in a hit-and-run crash in West Yorkshire have urged the car driver to come forward.
Owen Wightman, of Kettlethorpe in Wakefield, was hit by a car on Fishponds Lane in nearby Chapelthorpe shortly after midday on Saturday.
The driver, believed to be a young white male, failed to stop.
Police said they had recovered CCTV images of the "offending vehicle" and debris from the scene.
Det Supt Paul Taylor, of West Yorkshire Police, said: "These items and the CCTV images are with the Forensic Science Service and I'm very hopeful that the scientists will be able to identify exactly the make and model of the vehicle.
"I'm also hoping that with enhancement of the CCTV we may get a registration number or partial registration of the vehicle.
"With this in mind, I would appeal for the driver to come forward before we have to knock on his door."
He said the driver of the car was believed to have got out and inspected his vehicle for damage immediately after the incident.
The vehicle involved was a small, grey or light-coloured hatchback and officers said it was "likely to have front-end damage as a result of the collision".
Det Ch Insp Paul Taylor, of West Yorkshire Police, appealed for anyone with information about the driver's identity to come forward.
He said a number of items recovered from the scene were being forensically examined and CCTV images in the area were being looked at.
"If anyone has any information about the identity of the person involved I would urge them to get in touch," he said.
"Owen's family are absolutely devastated by what has happened, we need to speak to the driver of this vehicle immediately."
This article is from the BBC News website. ? British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hcg Weight Loss Cure Guide ? Not Just Another Diet Book | No Scams ...
Hcg Weight Loss Cure Guide ? N?t J??t A further Diet Book
HCG, ?r Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced b? th? placenta ??? through pregnancy, ?? th? newest ?Miracle? weight loss aid. Th? hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide b? Kevin Trudeau, ?? th? hottest n?w weight loss book ?n th? market. Th? hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide requires th? person wh? w?nt? t? lose weight t? ??t shots ?f hCG ?n? stay ?n a very low calorie organic diet. Th? ???t claims ??? w??? safely lose 1-2 lbs per day, ??n?? hCG burns th? calories fr?m abnormal ?t??t stores.
Th? hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide b? Kevin Trudeau include 50 t? 60 required ?n? recommended ???s ?n? don?ts, m?k?n? ?t a practical guide book f?r hCG diet. Th? hCG weight loss cure h?? sold over 7 million copies ??n?? 2007, ?n? public ?r? rushing t? stay ?n th?? ???t ?n? ??t th? injections. Kevin Trudeau claims th?t th?? ???t ?? ??n absolute cure f?r obesity w?? learned nearly fifty years ago.? H? states th?t thousands ?f public used th? hCG weight loss treatment ?n? th?? saw q???k, nearly miraculous weight loss. Th? best thing ?b??t th?? diet ???t ?? ??? won?t gain weight back ?? long ?? ??? stay ?n a healthy eating problem even long ?ft?r th? diet ???t ?? completed. H? ???? claims th?t hCG caused th? abnormal ?t??t t? melt away, giving th? appearance ?f th? patients having h?? liposuction.
According t? Trudeau, ?th?? miracle weight loss breakthrough h?? b??n obscure fr?m th? public ?? th?t drug companies ??n m?k? billions ?f dollars selling th??r expensive drug treatments ?n? surgical procedures f?r obesity.? Multiple web sites ?n? hCG clinics h??? popped up ??n?? th? hCG Weight Loss hit th? bookshelves.
Wh??? th? FDA h?? n?t recommended ?r approved th? hCG f?r weight loss, ?t ?? legal t? h??? ?t shipped ?nt? th? country f?r personal ???, ?n? many public really self inject th? hCG ?t home. Th? hCG diet ???t ?? reportedly safe f?r ???t ?b??t ??? men ?n? women, th? ?n?? exclusion life pregnant ?r nursing women. Here ?r? very rarely side effects associated w?th ??th?r th? shots ?r hCG diet drops. S?m? reported w?r? headaches ?n? pregnancy symptoms b?t m??t public w???? gladly trade ?ff those side effects f?r ?n ?n?r???b?? weight loss.
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Golf Chipping Tips For Beginning Golfers
Chipping is a key shot required in the game of golf and hence it is good to know about certain vital golf chipping tips before trying your hand at it. It is not just the ability and the talent to play golf that helps a person to make a mark in the game of golf. A person also needs to put in consistent effort in improving their game so that they can do well despite losing the rhythm of their golf swing for a temporary period. Even the most experienced players face situations when they simply do not have the swing. Under such circumstances, good golf chipping tips and techniques will come in handy.
A large number of golfers face the problem of getting the golf ball 400 yards from the tee to beside the green in just a few strokes. To avoid improperly hitting the chip shots, players should at first shift the larger part of the weight onto the left foot. One should let the hands move ahead of the ball, thereby playing the ball towards the back of the stance. A player can strike a fantastic chip shot with the right downward stroke without trying to slide the club face under the ball.
To hit a chip shot, one must remember not to scoop the ball into the air but play it with the correct sliding shot. A golfer has to make sure that the hands are kept well ahead of the ball and the wrists should not be positioned in a way so as to control the shot. Allowing the wrists to dominate the shot may increase the risk of thinning the ball clean through the green or throwing it a few inches away.
Positioning the hands in front of the ball and attempts at getting the grip and shaft past the line before the club head at the time of striking the ball can help a player to chip the ball and score his best when he steps onto the golf course. Thinned or fluffed chip shots happen when the club head goes beyond the hands.
The key to hitting good chip shots and scoring well is to hold the club a little down the shaft and play a practice chip. Getting the correct wrist action is important to ensure that the handle of the club does not touch your body and stays far away from you.
A golfer can learn about the correct wrist action by playing a practice chip and using a? training aid that widens the golf club handle. This will ensure that the player using the right golf chipping tips and technique does not get hit in the body by the extended handle.
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AP IMPACT: Tritium leaks found at many nuke sites (Providence Journal)
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Monday, June 20, 2011
Near Field Communication is Coming! | Los Angeles Telephone Systems
One of the new technologies on the way for mobile phones is NFC, the near-field communication chip. This has been a staple of phones in Asia for a number of years now, it is a short-ranged 13.56 MHz signal, useful over a range usually around 4 cm but up to 20 cm, used to swipe the phone to make payments, for example it will allow your phone to be used as a credit card or to buy bus or train tickets at a turn stile. This is how it has been used in Asia and it has been touted as the biggest technology to hit Europe and US mobile phones for years; however until now this has not happened.
The infrastructure needed to use the chip in Europe and the US is not in place as yet, with many retailers unwilling to invest in expensive equipment that would only be used by small numbers of their customers. A number of companies have now decided to push the issue so adoption begins to become more widespread.
One of the best features of NFC is the way it uses an initiator and a target, the initiator could be the ticket machine or paying point in a shop whilst the target can be an unpowered chip, allowing it to be included in items such as cards, keychains and so on, enabling it to draw it?s power from the initiator.
The technology is still absent from most newly released phones, so you won?t be seeing it in the likes of the Nokia E6 just yet but it is making an appearance in top of the line phones. Samsung and Google?s Nexus S was an interesting example as the original Galaxy S which the Nexus S is very closely related to lacked this capability, suggesting it was Google who thought it was an important feature to add.
This may also be related to the otherwise strange omission of a microSD slot from the Nexus S, something Android users are accustomed to, to increase their phone?s internal storage and something the Galaxy S did have.
Some technologies revealed at the recent MWC (Mobile World Congress), were focused on the sector generated by the phones like the Samsung Galaxy Ace and HTC Wildfire S lacking NFC tech.
The first of these is from Visa, who, probably like Google, have decided to take steps to drive the adoption of NFC technology. It is a card that fits in to your HTC Wildfire S?s microSD slot and communicates with apps on your phone to give complete NFC functionality. While this denies you the use of the slot at least temporarily the ease with which microSD cards can be swapped, even in phones which do not allow hotswapping, should not make this much of a problem as on most phones you can put lots of your music library on the phone?s storage to keep you going.
The impact of this technology should be significant as almost all retail businesses will very quickly move to allow this option. In addition, services such as public transport will have to build card readers which will make paying for tickets far more efficient for consumers.
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Picnic Time 5 Piece Garden Tool Set With Tote And Folding Seat 542-93-121
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Tags: 54293121, Folding, Garden, Picnic, Piece, Seat, Time, Tool, Tote
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Health Tip: Make Sure Your Child's Shoes Fit (HealthDay)
(HealthDay News) -- Your little one is growing faster than you expected, and his or her feet are no exception.
As children's shoe buying becomes a frequent ritual, the American Podiatric Medical Association offers this advice:
- Make sure the shoes have firm heel support, a flexible sole where the feet bend, cushioning in the insoles, and good arch support.
- Size the feet when the child is standing and bearing weight on the feet.
- Allow for a thumb's width between the tip of the toes and the end of the shoe -- enough so the child can comfortably wiggle the toes.
- Ask the child to walk around in the shoes (make sure socks are on, too). Ask about fit and comfort, and check to see if the feet are irritated afterward.
- Make sure the shoes don't slip off at the heel.
- Measure both feet, and buy shoes in the size that fit the larger foot.
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Personal bankruptcy Processing And Fiscal Problems To Avoid | Poor ...
Because the economic system carries on its unpredictable manner, lots of industry experts are fearing which the US could end up in a melancholy. While using fluctuations at the center East, lots of believe purchasing of 5 greenback each quart propane is not far off. This may be the main one-two impact that sends our economic system right pozyczki prywatne Wroclaw Truly there is 1.6 million bankruptcies recorded and in 2011 that selection is anticipated to improve. Most Us residents are very tough and desire that their finances is certain to get far better. The common resident carries personal credit card debt in the quality of Usd20,000. Wonderful these quantities, an ideal tornado is it being designed that can push more into personal bankruptcy declaring. Here are a few items that individuals should become aware of far better in cases like this.
When being financially secured, the final spot to watch out for finance are in the retirement fund. This is a repeated slip-up that a great many individuals make. Lots of people think of it as a checking account and get revenue outside of their 401(ok) to atone for their personal credit card debt. All retirement money is protected against credit card companies in a personal bankruptcy declaring. The only way credit card companies might get as of this finance are in the event you under your own accord give them it. Another highlight is the thought that early on alienation leads to yet another levy challenge to the client. If you feel you will find there?s probability that you might end up personal bankruptcy, abandon your retirement fund only.
One more seriously poor notion the place a client will start moving resources when they come upon economical difficulties. Most transfers is often followed of course, if the credit card companies determine which the client is hoping to cover up resources by moving them, they?re going to assert it absolutely was a dishonest conveyance. This tends to reduce a personal loans from personal bankruptcy sometime soon and can increase the risk for client to even get rid of the personal bankruptcy generate they need quite a bit. Constantly consult with a personal bankruptcy legal professional previous to trying to switch possession of your asset. More often than not the home and property is often shielded because of the exemption laws and regulations when personal bankruptcy.
When your income is diminished, in no way shed through all of your financial savings, to pay your unprotected obligations. Individuals needs and hold in between two and six months of just living expenditures for their checking account. It is best to have a little safety net just in case you get rid of your job or something different unanticipated occurs. Constantly find the concern when paying out obligations. Pay your rent or mortgage the spend the money for conclusion attached obligations using the added water cash available. If you have no amounts left over right after paying out your expenditures, if not consider personal bankruptcy. There?s a lot of information that one needs to consider when selecting what economical option to get. Go to the trouble and consult with a bankruptcy lawyer to ascertain if personal bankruptcy could be useful to your finances. Subject to your circumstances a
This entry was posted in blog and tagged loans. Bookmark the permalink.Source:
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT ...
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Posted by admin on June 19th, 2011
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning for IT Professionals
Increase Your Company?s Odds of Surviving a Major Disaster
Powerful Earthquake Triggers Tsunami in Pacific. Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall in the Gulf Coast. Avalanche Buries Highway in Denver. Tornado Touches Down in Georgia. These headlines not only have caught the attention of people around the world, they have had a significant effect on IT professionals as well.
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Our Bizarro Attorney General on the Un-Separation of Church of State
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The Stench |
Find out how Cooch took $55,000 from the disgraced "U.S. Navy Veterans Association," in apparent exchange for his promise to get the Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs (which had "notified Thompson's group that it no longer qualified for an exemption from state registration requirements") off the group's back. Can we say "pay-to-play?" Find out more. |
Fri Jun 17, 2011 at 20:40:28 PM EDT |
Up is down; down is up. He says 'hello' when he leaves, 'goodbye' when he arrives. Here in Virginia, we have the Bizarro attorney general -- Ken Cuccinelli. ?Just think about it: - A real AG upholds the law. Our Bizarro AG sues the EPA to prevent it from meeting the Clean Air Act and a Supreme Court ruling requiring the agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. - A real AG defends the powerless. Our Bizarro AG tells state colleges and universities that they are prohibited from anti-discrimination policies against gays -- that, in other words, they are obligated to discriminate. - ?A real AG defends his clients, including the state's universities - and upholds the state and federal Constitutions. ?Our Bizarro AG launches a perverse war against the University of Virginia to force a climate scientist to stop doing legitimate research. - ?A real AG challenges powerful interests to ensure that they don't harm the state or its inhabitants. ?Our Bizarro AG pockets donations from large industries like Massey Energy and makes no effort to determine if they are committing the same kinds of coal mine safety violations in Virginia of which they have been found guilty in West Virginia. ? And now there is the issue of separation of church and state. ?Per the WaPo yesterday, our Bizarro Attorney General counseled a group of ministers on how to evade the bans on using their pulpits for political endorsements: |
kindler :: Our Bizarro Attorney General on the Un-Separation of Church of State |
Continue to be good shepherds to your congregations - and don't be afraid when your shepherding includes giving guidance on issues that fall in the political world, because those are the same issues your congregants face each day in their world. Let your voice be heard. Speak out and guide your flock toward what is right and what is true. How is this problematic? ?Let me count the ways: - ?As Cuccinelli's own spokesman admitted, "He cannot give legal advice to anyone other than his government clients." So, of course, they decided to go with the Bizarro definitions of "cannot", "give" and "legal advice," which makes it okay. - The Attorney General should advise people on how to follow the law and bedrock principles of the Constitution, not on how to find loopholes in them. - The concept of separation of church and state deserves special reverence in Virginia, the first place in the world where it was codified into law, thanks to Jefferson's Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom (drafted 1777, passed 1786), and George Mason's 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights, which still forms the basis for the Virginia Constitution. While right wingers love to stick phony quotes in Jefferson's mouth, let's try a real one here: I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. (Thomas Jefferson, as President, in a letter to the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut, 1802, well-sourced with other Founders' quotes on the issue here.) Here in the land of Mason, Madison and Jefferson, we have our own attorney general taking a hatchet to this "wall of separation." ?It makes no sense - in the real world. ? But in Cuccinelli's Virginia, up is down, and down is up. ?Hello! |
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The purpose of Blue Virginia is to cover Virginia politics from a progressive and Democratic perspective. This is a group blog and a community blog. We invite everyone to comment here, but please be aware that profanity, personal attacks, bigotry, and "trolling" (NOTE: that includes outright lies, whether about climate science, or what other people said, or whatever) are not allowed. For more on trolling, see the Daily Kos FAQs. For more on writing diaries, click here. Thanks, and enjoy! P.S. You can contact us at and you can subscribe to Lowell's Twitter feed here. If you'd like to subscribe to Miles Grant's Twitter feed, click here. For Teacherken, click here. P.P.S. To see the Blue Virginia archive, please click here. To see the Raising Kaine archive, please click here. To see the Blue Commonwealth archive, please click here.
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Latest Microsoft Jobs Lagos 17th June, 2011- Employment Nigeria
Careers Microsoft
PAM - VAR Email to Friend
Job Category: Sales
Job Location: Nigeria, Lagos
Job ID: 758706
Division: Sales
Partner Account Manager ? VAR
The Partner Territory and VAR Partner Account Manager (?the role?) is a senior geo-based field sales role, designed to lead and direct a strategic territory sales focus on non-managed and tele-managed partners. They are the focal point for Microsoft to the local channel and serve as the ?business evangelist? who activates partners in their assigned territory through a range of 1:many sales enagement activities.
This individual focuses on the following four key responsibilities:
1. To ensure the VARs are equipped to compete effectively to win deals and gain Microsoft share.
2. To evangelize the Microsoft Partner Network to ensure that all VARs are committed to engaging with Microsoft at the right level within the program.
3. Driving the business in their assigned territory, with primary focus on the non-managed and tele-managed resellers, and local disti engagement. Establishing and executing a Geo Engagement Business Plan is crucial to the success of this role.
4. Growing the business though sales coaching, analysis and gap closure strategies, and developing partners? sales and licensing capabilities.
5. Cultivating key business relationships through predictable 1:many engagements and outreach.
6. Driving partner satisfaction through sales expertise and evangelizing the Microsoft Partner Network and self-service resources.
7. To account manage a portfolio of VARs that drive high volume and revenue for Microsoft.
8. To drive the business by developing quality Business and Marketing Plans with key C-level executives within the VAR business.
9. To grow the business and ensure that all VARs have a plan in place to focus on driving cloud services with Microsoft along with their current on-premise business model.
The key traits of a world class Partner Territory and VAR Partner Account Manager include a deep working knowledge of the Microsoft Partner Ecosystem; expertise at developing relationships with broader partner audiences; driving predictable 1:many sales-focused engagements in assigned territory; providing sales leadership across partners, field, and Corp team members; and demonstrating expertise in sales operations to exceed sales plan and correct any gaps.
Key Job Responsibilties
1. Drive the Business ? VAR Engagement:
a. Business Planning: develop and execute account specific conditions of satisfaction (Partner Business Plan) and joint strategies (Partner Solutions Plan) for specific goals which are agreed upon and documented by Microsoft and the VAR.
b. Sales: act as the ?sales manager? and support partners to track pipeline in the CRM systems and close deals for specific agreed upon revenue goals.
c. Marketing: act as ?marketing manager? and support proposed marketing goals including the proper use of channel incentive Coop funding on the right set of activities.
d. Compete: ensure the VARs are equipped with the right tools and resources to compete effectively against every competitive scenario they encounter.
2. Business Planning: Partner Territory Managment
a. Develop Geo Engagement Business Plan in close partnership with TPAMs, DPAMs, and SMB&D Management. Plan will include specific geo-engagement tactics; TPAM reviews of tele-covered partners; strategies to evangelize key offerings, such as Cloud; and plans to close gaps.
b. Sales Leadership: Execute Geo Engagement Business Plan to drive local channel activities and competitive offers to achieve revenue goals. Provide insights to enable accurate forecasts with Sub/Region and TPAM, with attention to data quality. Provide collaborative leadership with TPAMs, DPAMs, TopVARs, Field, and Corp team members.
Local Disti Enagement: Work with Disti PAM to review local/territory aspects of the Partner Business Plan to drive right set of activities for local market to increase channel coverage and capacity. Participate in call downs with top Distis and local Disti offices, provide local market expertise to Distis,and speak and represent MS at local Disti events (e.g. floor days and Boot Camps).
1. Grow the Business:
a. Online Services: lead planning with the VAR focusing on shift to cloud services with Microsoft along with their current on-premise business model.
b. Practice Building: act as ?technical advisor? and evangelize areas of next logical practice that are appropriate for the VAR and ensure the partner is engaged in the right support from Microsoft (training, practice builder) to grow their business with Microsoft.
c. Geo-Coaching: Drive geo- based coaching for TPAMs, and non-managed and tele-managed partners to help them build sales skills and exceed desired business results.
d. Analysis: Leverage GeoOptics and Breadth Analytics to gain insight into local channel. Participate in Territory/Area capacity planning team to determine area capacity and coverage model. Ensure the Geo Engagement Business Plan addresses local gaps.
Develop territory sales and licensing capabilities: Develop sales and licensing capabilities with TPAMs, and within the channel by working with the PSDM, DPAMs/Distis, and Licensing resources.
1. Cultivate Key Business Relationships:
Quality Partnerships at all Levels: Develop and maintain strong business relationships at the local level with key influencers. Utilize executive roundtables, Partner Area Leads, and other local councils to foster relationships with local partner executives.
Geo-Engagement Model: Lead Geo-Engagement Model and outreach through 1:many engagement vehicles and TPAMs (e.g. local press, events, Distis, influencers, International Association of Microsoft Certified Partners, and TopVAR Summits).
1. Drive Partner Satisfaction.
Leadership: Exceed conditions of satisfaction with VARs and the non-managed and tele-managed partner satisfaction goals established in Geo Engagement Business Plan.
Evangelize MPN and Self-Service Resources: Evangelize the Microsoft Partner Network and available self-service resources designed to support non-managed and tele-managed partners (e.g. MPN Portal, LicenseWise, LicenseAdvisor, and GearUp Sales Toolkit).
Job Requirements
5 ? 8 years of related experience
Bachelor?s Degree (B.S./B.A.)
Successful candidates will demonstrate superior communication skills and confidence, possess excellent cross-group collaboration skills, and have a proven track record of exceeding sales objectives while maintaining exceptional satisfaction
Click to Apply
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The Art Of Selling Condos | Articles Land
Over the years, condominiums, or condos as they are more popularly known, have established a fame for themselves as protected and sound investments in real estate for a long term. Condos provide their owners with a handy and straightforward life-style and staying in a single is often more like spending time at a resort than in an condominium or a house. Nevertheless, a day definitely comes up when it?s time for every apartment proprietor to promote their beloved residence, no matter might be the reasons. Selling an apartment will become tough fairly tough, not only because of the emotional attachments individuals share with their properties, but in addition because there are no consumers available.
Whereas promoting a condominium, it is of utmost importance to price the property in accordance with existing market trends. In order to do so, the proprietor ought to go through public newspapers to examine for realty listings and find out properties much like the one he or she owns. The value at which these properties are being put up for sale ought to be noted regularly and their very own condo should be priced accordingly. It is also within the owner?s curiosity to find out what properties had been offered just lately, at what value and the time for which they?d been in the market, with the intention to get an concept of market trends.
Before selling a condo, it is smart to get an appraisal or evaluation of the property finished by a professional. This provides a great impression to the customer and adds a beneficially skilled touch to the entire process.
The proprietor also needs to adequately spread the word that he or she is selling a condo, by advertising in newspapers, sending out flyers and postcards, placing up a ?For Sale? sign before the property, etc. However, earlier than promoting, slightly pain must be taken to do any impending repair works, add a contemporary touch to the dcor, apply a contemporary coat of paint, and so on so as to make the home look lovely and present it before potential buyers as a beautiful property. Bear in mind, first impressions go a great distance!
Last but not the least; it?s prudent to enlist the assistance of an actual estate agent to hurry up the process of selling a condo. Realtors can make the owner?s workloads simpler for they know the place exactly to seek out the suitable buyers. Apart from selecting the best actual property agent, adding a pleasant bonus in the event that they make a profitable deal, they are going to be highly motivated to get the deal closed as soon as possible. Additionally hiring a part-time realtor may show to be a clever decision as a result of he or she may assist in selling a condo a lot sooner than full-time realtors. It is because realtors are paid upon finalizing a deal and those that work solely half-time handle a lot much less variety of gross sales in a year than those that are full time workers. The bonus thus issues to them more than full-time real estate agents who earn a lot more money.
So, good luck with marketing a condo!
Another great article by Aberfoyle Real Estate. Also published at The Art Of Selling Condos.
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Written by: Dan on June 17, 2011.Source:
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